Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Was A Male War Bride (1949) is good romantic fun

I Was a Male War Bride
I Was a Male War Bride Pictures
A wonderful mix of romance and comedy make I Was A Male War Bride one of my favorites. French officer Henri Rochard (Cary Grant) and Lt. Catherine Gates (Ann Sheridan) fall in love while on a mission in Germany. It's a courtship involving adventure, romance, accidents, mishaps and finally true love. The two decide to get married and everything is bliss, until Catherine gets orders to ship out ASAP back to America. They subsequently learn that the only way Henri can get a visa to emigrate with her is under the War Bride Act, as a spouse of a member of the expeditionary forces, in military regulations that allow war brides to accompany their husbands. So the roles are reversed and Henri in order to get past unbelieving Navy officers, must dress as a woman.
I Was a Male War Bride
I Was a Male War Bride PicturesThis is a terrific comedy with both stars at their very best. Grant is his typical self, I don't think the man ever gave a bad performance. His Henri is the type of the guy who likes things to go a certain way, and when they don't look out. He will let you know how he feels about it. Sheridan is also very good as Catherine. She has always been one of my favorite actresses and I don't think she was given nearly enough credit for her ability as an actress. She showed a knack for light comedy and I wished she was offered more comedic roles during her career. War Bride is directed by ace veteran Howard Hawks, who also made Bringing Up Baby, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and of course my favorite movie of all time..His Girl Friday.

I Was a Male War Bride
I Was a Male War Bride Pictures
 I Was A Male War Bride is breezy, escapist fun that will appeal to film lovers looking for laughs and romance. It's a great couples movie or even for the whole family to enjoy. And I believe it to be a very underrated film classic. So this is my pick for this wonderful blog called Sweet Romance.


Noiree said...

Monty, I didn't know that HGF is your all time fave!I'm not much of a comedy person, but I do love HGF. My favorite Howard Hawks flicks are
Come and Get It, Only Angels Have Wings, Ball of Fire, To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, Full House and Hatari. It would be fun to do companion pieces on our favorite Hawks pictures; I bet our lists are very different!

I agree 100% on Ann Sheridan. She was terrfic but I think overlooked because her persona was a little out of the mold. I enjoyed your post and I am glad you're enjoying the blog.

monty said...

Why yes it is Noiree. I loved HGF ever since I first saw it at age 12. My fave Hawks pics are besides HGF: Rio Bravo, Bringing Up Baby, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, I Was A Male War Bride, Monkey Business (the Cary Grant version, not Marx Brothers) and The Big Sleep. That's a cool idea of doing companion pieces Noiree. In fact maybe another blog focusing on directors solely instead of actors and actresses. What do you think?

Noiree said...

Monty, I have long wanted to do a director’s page, but have not done one because I was afraid that others would not be interested, and the page would end up filled with my posts, blah blah blahing about my favorite directors (because for me, it is all about the directors—I’ve recently decided to re-organize my DVD library by director).

Also, I felt a little worried about creating more feature pages; I am afraid that the site is becoming fragmented by my love of classifying things (forgive me, I am an accountant, I can’t help myself!). I’ve tried to draw things together by using the sidebar of the main page as a sort of table of contents, but the relative lack of comments on the feature pages has me concerned that my strategy is not successful.

However, the response to the Sweet Romance page and your suggestion has emboldened me! So let’s do a Director’s page, and the kick off posts will be our companion pieces on Howard Hawks. More to follow!

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